The BBC medical drama was up against stiff competition such as Emmerdale, Hollyoaks and Coronation Street. George Rainsford (Ethan) and Chelsea Halfpenny (Alicia) collected the award along with Oliver Kent (Head of Continuing Drama), Lucy Raffety (Series Producer), Simon Harper (Executive Producer), Mark Catley (Series Executive Consultant) and Erika Hossington (Former Series Producer).
George went on to say “Maintaining the high standards of a long-running drama wouldn’t be possible without a large team of dedicated, upbeat, talented people. I’m pleased to say were lucky enough to have those at Casualty!”
“So this is for you! For everyone involved with the show, who work so hard to make it what it is.”
This is the second time Casualty has won a BAFTA, previously winning Best Continious Drama in 2007.