It was a disastrous week for Mentor and pupil as both Ethan (George Rainsford) and Bea (Michelle Fox) lurched from one disaster to another. Ethan is left 'holding the baby' when Leigh-Ann (Cassie Bradley) is back in the ED with Scott Ellison's new born son. Meanwhile, Bea is literally sleeping on the job and makes a serious error of judgement when she misguidedly attempts to play superwoman in an understaffed department. With a burglary gone wrong at the heart of the instalment, it was chaos and trauma all the way in our favourite hospital! Here are a few highlights:

Bea is desperate to win a place on the course she has her heart set on and by all accounts, feedback from her stint in Orthopaedics has been positive. However, when her Mentor discovers her face down on her study notes, albeit in the staff room - her shift looks set to take a wobbly path, they key point being that the department is understaffed so Ethan is putting his faith in his pupil. However, he does leave strict instructions to find him if she needs him...
Chicken Pox
When Leigh-Ann appears with her new baby and Ethan clocks her, he's soon sticking in his guilt-ridden oar. However, it transpires that Ethan's interference couldn't be better timed as the baby boy has contracted Chicken Pox and it has gone unnoticed so far. With Duffy (Cathy Shipton) on hand to help, Dr Hardy soon finds himself dealing with the worst when the infant stops breathing. Following successful resuscitation, Ethan finally admits to Leigh-Ann that he was part of the team who could not save Ellison. Will she ever find out the real truth?
Dropping the ball
A botched burglary makes for a chaotic ED when both culprits and victim are being treated - and Bea is taking charge of them all. She takes no heed of Ethan's instruction to find him if she needs to and finds herself in a sticky situation when the would-be burglar is bleeding out and still has the paramedics' dressing on a wound in his back. To say that Dr Hardy is on the warpath is an understatement. Even to the point that he suggests that she considers whether she should be doing the job at all. Bea takes one step forwards and twenty back doesn't she?
Inebriated and In Danger
Bea deals with her disastrous day by heading to the pub and drinking herself into a stupor - she's downing the shots at a rapid rate. She's alone and in a state when she disappears down an alleyway, vomits and passes out by the trash. As bad days go, this one has to be off the scale for the young doctor.
Missed this week's episode? Catch up here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0b05r7d
There will be no episode of Casualty scheduled next Saturday due to the Queen's Birthday Party.
Photo Credits: BBC Pictures