Scrub up! For the first time ever, this is your chance to take part in an episode of Casualty - and influence the course of the story.
Using on-set, live-action footage, and with a selection of the show’s most popular characters, the First Day online experience from BBC Taster allows fans and new audiences alike to engage with the show in a refreshed, contemporary way.

You're in the driving seat as you step into the scrubs of a junior doctor, making life or death decisions during a typical day within Holby City’s Emergency Department. Along the way you will battle medical emergencies and try to cope with antagonistic patients. Are you a maverick who likes to go it alone, or do you take all the help you can get to find the best outcome for your patients?

"Making this was a very different process to making an episode of Casualty in every respect, from development to final deployment," revealed Producer Wendy Wright. "Whereas in a linear episode we start with the script, on this project the script was almost the last element to be ready before we started filming."
"With Casualty: First Day we have pushed the technology beyond its comfort zones," Rob Sloan of creative agency fish in a bottle, who built the interactive episode, told us. "We make no apologies for that – it’s what we needed to do in order to deliver the vision. The goal for Casualty: First Day was to create so much more than the usual behind the scenes video. To do that we had access to the screenwriters, the actors, production crew, and of course the set, to make something truly original and authentic."

"We’re hoping audiences will enjoy a different way of experiencing a typical Casualty story," concluded Wendy Wright. "As a programme that has been on air for nearly 30 years we are always looking for ways of keeping things fresh and exciting for the audience."
Why not try out First Day and see how you get on as a new doctor.