Another episode starts and we're right onto the ward with Oliver, the man himself asking what Roxanna, Sacha and Essie are talking and smiling about in a group off to the side of the ward, Dr Chowdhury who is nearby informs him that Ric got acquitted of all charges against him, definitely the right result, Ric is needed in Holby, there's only one Ric Griffin.
Henrik is at home listening to the radio and hears the news of Ric's acquittal on there, a small smile to himself at the news, he seems happy that the right result was reached by the jury, probably knowing what the Holby family at the hospital will be like at the news too.
On Darwin Fletch is feeling the pressure for being under staffed and asks Frieda if she'll stay behind late to help, after a small discussion she agrees to stay and says she's doing it for him, the look on Fletch's face makes it obvious that he's missing Jac and that this teamed with the shortage of staff is taking it's toll.
Appearing out of her office on AAU to an awaiting Henrik who is all suited and booted, she hands over a selection of files, almost a sign of her handed him his role back and everything that comes with it, something she doesn't seem unhappy to give back to him.

Oliver says to Dr Chowdhury that Gaskell is a fraud and if she was to get him the case files of Fiona to read then he could tell and show her to, this comes after she's feeling guilty and responsible for Fiona's death, thinking somehow it was her fault and her post op care, could Oliver actually be onto something in his statement? Saying nothing she just looks at him, not willing to actually get said files for him.
Essie is the next one to see Gaskell in his lab, asking where Fiona's infection actually originated from, he all but sends her away and tells her before he does that he'll look for the answer, is this because he knows exactly where the infection started but doesn't want anyone else to find out?
Making his way up to Henrik's office after this exchange, Gaskell says he wants to push forward with the new operation and treatment they're due to try at Holby so that the coroners report on Fiona isn't at the forefront of things at Holby, this is said in such a way by him to try and make it seem like he's doing Henrik a favour by trying to somehow 'divert' attention away from the coroners report of one of Gaskell's own patients, worried Henrik might find something out are we Professor?

Making a visit to Oliver on the ward, Henrik tells him that there's no cure for his brain injury and that he can't retrain to be a lower grade doctor or anything of the sort that Oliver might be hoping for, regardless of his recovery up to now. He then goes back to his office followed by Roxanna and he irritatedly asks her what she's been telling Oliver or doing in order to make him think this way, it being obvious that he doesn't agree with Oliver's optimism.
It seems that Jac's absence and seeming need to run and not talk to Fletch about what was happening between the two of them is getting to him, as he gets quite defensive and snaps when Becky and another male patient on the ward, Ken are talking about Jac but they keep calling her Jackie, the upset and strain clear on his face when he replaces Becky's file and walks out of the ward, can he cope whilst she's away?
After seemingly not listening to Henrik's comments about him not being able to be any kind of doctor anymore, Oliver is now sitting in the booth in the operating theatre and watching the new operation that's being performed over night by Sacha, Henrik and Essie, Henrik isn't happy about it, but Sacha says for him just to leave Oliver and focus on the operation, feeling under more pressure there Henrik?
Serena leaving after her shift finds Gaskell in the lift going back to his lab and hands him the coroners report that got held up in the post room, she comments about the look he gave when she handed it to him, he says nothing to that and heads up to his lab, in the report we find out that it was in fact the implant that caused Fiona's infection and this then led to her organ failure and her death, the implant that he put there himself, but will he admit any of this to himself and or anyone else?

Taking a break from the operation, Dr Chowdhury, Dom joined by Oliver are all in the staff room eating Chinese that Henrik ordered, the man himself then comes into the room to speak with Oliver about his presence in theatre and that he needs to stop watching the operation because he finds it unacceptable.
With Becky needing an operation herself, Frieda goes into Fletch who is in Jac's office and says that she can do it herself but it comes with a risk, he says that they could do with Jac here, that they need her, but that Jac herself knew this and that is why she was here working through the bad pain she's been experiencing and now she's gone for a while and they're finding things a bit of a strain, will she be back and better soon to lessen some of these things for them?
Henrik finally snaps at Oliver's watching of the operation and reading things over the intercom and into the theatre itself, Sacha says that himself and Essie can finish it and that Henrik should take a break which the CEO does, Oliver follows him out into the corridor and confronts him, saying that he's a better doctor than Henrik because of how the older man faltered and struggled a bit in surgery, after hearing what Oliver says to him Henrik explodes back and shouts at him that he can't being a doctor anymore because of his brain damage, leaving Oliver stood in said corridor watching the older man walking away.

It seems it's then Fletch's turn to catch Henrik at the wrong time and they argue about Henrik being back and the demands he's placing on people when they're running on a small team because they're short of staff, this heated exchange culminates with Henrik's emotions and anger manifesting itself in him pinning Fletch up against the wall by his neck much to the surprise of Fletch himself, quickly realising what he's doing, he releases the younger man and ends up sat on the floor of the corridor against the wall in tears, the nights events and due to the memories and scars of Fredric's action becoming too much for him.
Wanting some answers in regards to Fiona's death that the coroners report can give her, Essie goes to Gaskell's lab and sees his dictaphone, knowing most of his thoughts and musings are contained on this, she listens to it and hears him lying on it about the report and the fact he says that the report contained no proof of the implant causing the infection Fiona had, which in fact is an obvious lie, she goes to take the report out of the envelope on his desk to read but she stops, this would have given her the answer she needed, that it was Gaskell's implant to blame. This leads Essie to draw her own conclusion that her post op care is the cause of the fatal infection, Gaskell is quick to step in and say that they don't know this for certain, seeming to be thinking on his feet in order for her not to be blaming herself, but also to try and divert attention from himself and to not assign blame to a specific cause even though he himself knows the exact cause of all of this mess, willing to let others throw themselves under the bus and take the blame in order for him to be able to carry on his projects and not take any responsibility?

Due to this Essie speaks to Sacha and tells him that she got the coroners report wrong, that she believes Gaskell was helping them and someway protecting them and now she's lost his trust and is leaving because she feels she's no other choice, but also that she's not done, does this mean she's due to come back in the near future?
Oliver and Henrik put their previous differences aside and talk as Oliver is gathering his things to go home for good, their conversation seeming to strike a chord with the older man and he gives Oliver a little smile before saying his goodbyes, could Oliver's words start Henrik's healing process, in him forgiving himself and lessening his guilt burden?
Roxanna is standing at the window on the staircase watching Oliver leave the hospital for good, a sad expression on her face due to what they've shared these past few weeks together also her wanting the best for him too, Oliver watches an ambulance leave the hospital to go to a call with it's sirens and lights on, before he slowly and steadily makes his way carrying his bag of belongings towards the exit of the hospital car park and away from Holby for good, good luck Mr Valentine, thank you for being a joyous and amazing part of the Holby family for seven years, you'll be dearly missed!