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Holby City Review Series 20 Episode 10- Square One

Writer's picture: WordDreamerWordDreamer

With a beam of light at the bottom of a dark corridor the episode is beginning, after which we see Gaskell in his lab talking into a dictaphone about his stem cell trials, before we're suddenly met with an image of an adult woman being rushed into Darwin ward on a trolley.

Serena and Roxanna are making their way into work, the neurosurgeon is asking about the funding and contact from the board for the treatment she wishes to start with Oliver, but Serena is quick to inform her that Gaskell hasn't submitted his statement to the board like he promised, leaving Roxanna confused, why wouldn't it be submitted by now?

Then we're met with Serena meeting Donna just inside the entrance waiting for the lift, both women are discussing the acting CEO's visit to Ric that day and Donna is mentioning how his trial date has been set for two weeks, it being obvious that the younger woman is nervous at the prospect, it's a matter of whether Ric is freed or sent to prison for what could be a long time.

The woman on the trolley we discover is Fiona, a woman who is a former trial patient of Gaskell who has been fitted with one of his stem cell implant, she's found to have an infection at the site of the wound, the professor ordering for the nurses's to issue the young woman with antibiotics and fluids to start off treating her with.

A smiling and happy Jac greeting people good morning? The senior doctor is upbeat and strolling down the corridor into the ward in top spirits, a big smile on her face, leaving Fletch and Frieda clearly suspicious given the usual demeanour of the red head.

Leaving Dr Duval in temporary charge of AAU, Serena leaves the hospital and goes to visit Ric in prison, the brunette looking somewhat spooked and out of her comfort zone as she enters and then looks around the visiting room, clutching the card Jason has made for her to give to Ric.

Ric then is brought it looking a shadow of his former self, clearly his time behind bars is taking it's toll, his spirit is low and he's not taking very positively in regards to his up and coming trial, asking Serena to pass his thanks to Jason for the card, then in another breath asks a surprised Serena if she'd look after Darla and Kofi when the worst happens, much to his friend and colleagues dismay.

With Serena returning back to the hospital, Jason catches her before she steps foot back into the building and mentions how Ric was out of the hospital helping him on the day the Elaine Warren died and that he must go to the police since he's going to be a dad soon. Serena manages to convince him not to do that, that there's no need because Ric helping him that day had no effect on what happened to Elaine, that she wasn't administered the medicine that Ric prescribed and that this is why she died, Jason accepts what she tells him and they share a hug, him expressing that he's grateful she's back.

Roxanna and Gaskell are in theatre with Serena giving them the green light, the neurosurgeon saying that she'd 'err on the side of caution' with this operation, Gaskell replying with quite a patronising tone that she always does, which causes Roxanna to say no more as he goes along with what he was wanting to do, ignoring her advice and input.

Operation over, Gaskell is in his lab talking into a dictaphone about how this stage of the trial failed because of Fiona's infection due to the implant he inserted into her back, this then leading to organ failure in the young woman. But he then lies to Essie when she enters the lab and asks if the implant caused the infection and Fiona symptoms, he says it wasn't and that the trials are still going ahead. He's called not long later back to the ward when Fiona flatlines and despite shocking her and performing CPR she dies, dies due to what Gaskell previously denied to his colleagues.

In Roxanna's office herself and Gaskell discuss the trials and she mentions about it going to the review board due to Fiona's death, but he says no, it'll just continue as normal. The conversation then turns to him applying for the Director of Medicine on the board, this would aid both of them, him in his research and trials and Roxanna in helping Oliver, this idea is taken to Serena, Gaskell once again telling the acting CEO the same story about an infection not connected to his implant causing Fiona's death, at this precise moment Roxanna glances away from her colleague and friend, is she thinking otherwise, does she not believe what he's saying?

With a meeting for Gaskell's application scheduled for the next morning when himself, Serena and Fletch are in Albie's, Gaskell then leaving shortly after. Serena is drinking a welcome glass of Shiraz at the bar with Fletch, he then says he's been unable to find Amira, the nurse who was on duty the day that Elaine Warren died unfortunately, but also that he's not giving up yet, both pf them toast Ric.

The focus of the last scene is in the mortuary, Fiona is the woman revealed to be led on the table under a sheet, cue Gaskell entering the room after a few seconds and standing next to the woman's dead body simply looking at her, looking at her for what and what is going through that head of his, is he weighing up his next move, his next patient, his next play for power? Who could be any number of things and any number of colleagues could be involved in his plans.


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