Another week which means another episode of Holby, this week we're starting with a rather hazy and at first unclear sequence that features a young girl dressed in a doctors play outfit and performing an operation on her teddy bear, it turns out to be Nicky having a dream or should that be nightmare, maybe some sort of stress reaction to her up and coming rotation in the hospital, something herself and Meena are seen talking about in the kitchen that morning, before Meena's bedroom door opens and Xavier appears in his boxers taking the cup of tea off her she's just made for him it being glaring obvious that they've spent the night together, much to Nickys' shock and surprise.
Fletch is meanwhile already in work and has just finished writing a card out for Jac on what is meant to be her return day to the hospital, finishing it off with two kisses, he's also bought her a small cactus plant for her because he's a thoughtful kind of guy, especially when it comes to Jac Naylor, seeming having second thoughts about leaving both things on her desk in her office, he picks them up and walks out of said office with them, maybe he'd like to give them to her himself?

Enter Serena and Xavier on AAU, the young registrar thinking once again he could maybe use a little bit of flattery to get into the vascular surgeons good books, he says that he like a new challenge every day so Serena seizes her chance and says that if that's the case and is what he likes, then he can have the challenge of accelerating Sheilagh's post stroke exercises to help her that bit more since she's been ill, also to get her moving more and if he could get her up to the HCOP part of the hospital, with a tight smile he says that he'll try, be careful what you wish for Mr Duvall...?
After a phone call he receives, Fletch says that Jac is on extended sick leave and won't be back today, he's not sure when she's coming back, so that means that Frieda is Nicky's mentor and not Jac, after letting people know what's happening, he leaves to go and do some of his own work, a clear look of feeling and being deflated by the news he's just received on Jac, will she be back soon to cheer him up?
Meena is showing her own brand of enthusiasm about joining Gaskell's research team, he gives her the rather tedious it appears job of looking for new patients. When herself and Roxanna are in the office on Darwin ward working, Meena once again tells Roxanna how much she loves research, seemingly trying hard, maybe too hard, to show the neurosurgeon that she's enthusiastic about the job Gaskell has given her, even though it's probably not the most exciting thing she could've been asked to do, Roxanna interjects by asking her if she's sure what she's looking for in regards to new patients and criteria, the F1 seemingly in not hearing much of what Roxanna says continues to talk at the other woman whilst the neurosurgeon works, it seems that the F1 is desperate to make a good impression that she is trying too hard to impress both Gaskell and Roxanna, maybe less is more Dr Chowdhury?

With her exercises beginning Sheilagh states that she knows Xavier from somewhere, but he dodges this remark and tells her in no uncertain terms that she needs to work on her exercises, does the older lady actually recognise him or has she mixed him up with someone else?

Coming into the office, Sacha asks Meena if she'll help him drain his patient Stan's absess but the F1 is unsure saying that she has been given this job to do by Gaskell, but Roxanna says that she should go and help that it'll be good for her portfolio and that he won't even know she's been gone because he's that busy, with both doctors looking on Meena gives in and changes her mind and goes to help Sacha, does Roxanna sense something she doesn't particularly like in Meena, is the young F1 trustworthy, or is she trying too hard in front of Gaskell?
Needing the assistance of Gaskell in surgery with a neuro issue, Nicky is running around the hospital looking for him, landing back on Darwin ward having not found him anywhere else, Nicky finds the office empty with no sign of Gaskell but then Meena appears and Nicky asks her where he is, Meena proceeds to tell her friend that Gaskell is busy and isn't going to just drop his research and work on the project to go and run to help out in an operation, all the while whilst saying this she is unaware of the presence of Gaskell and Roxanna nearby who have heard every single word and to say they don't look impressed is an understatement, Gaskell quickly asks her what makes her think that he'd put research over a patient that is in current danger like the one Nicky has come to find him about, having been caught out the F1 has no reply, is trying too hard digging Meena into a hole?
A bit later on with just Roxanna and Meena now in the office, the neurosurgeon lets Meena know that Gaskell isn't an easy man to work for, but also that he's not a god and that the F1 should remember that, this seemingly giving Meena a bit more food for thought and especially when it's coming from a senior doctor like Roxanna, is the neurosurgeon hinting that she knows how he operates or is getting too and that he isn't all he makes out to be on face value to people in the hospital?
Sheilagh has a light bulb moment whilst still with Xavier and says that she has seen him on screen, that's where she remembers him from, she saw him years ago as a boy on a TV advert, he starts to get irritated at the recognition and the fact she remembers him, telling her to not talk about it as he grabs the water bottle nearby in his hand and giving it a little squeeze, could the advert or his childhood contain painful memories for him causing him to be angry?

Xavier then declines Serena's offer of surgery not long after much to Serena's surprise, saying that he'd like to focus on Sheilagh and her exercises and rehabilitation, to which Serena seems to agree and be glad of his focus since she set him the challenge at the beginning of the episode, could this focus on Sheilagh hold some ulterior motive since she's recognised him? When he returns to the older lady he's looking after, he tells her that when he did the TV stuff it was another life he had and that he's worked hard to get to where he is now, seeming to take pity on him, she says that she won't tell anyone about it if he doesn't want her too, to which she receives a little smile from him, is this a genuine grateful smile, or is there more too why he doesn't or wouldn't want her to reveal his past?
Back at the flat that Frieda shares with Nicky and Meena, the doctor has cooked a meal for herself and Nicky, maybe as her way of saying well done on her first day on rotation? After eating said meal, they're both sat at the table together before Frieda starts giving the F1 some advice about being a doctor and being a good doctor at that, her last bit of advice is about picking your friends carefully, is this a big nod for Nicky towards Meena, has Frieda picked up on something she's seen in Meena towards Nicky or in general that she doesn't like?

Gaskell comes into the office to collect and put on his coat before going home for the night, with Roxanna telling him that she's concerned he's getting tunneled vision and that he can't see or hear anyone else's concerns, he says that he's a changed man and that people change before he gathers his things and leaves the office, leaving Roxanna sat behind her desk looking on, is she starting to have some serious doubts about her colleague and his behaviour and motives in the hospital, and if so what can or is she going to do regarding them?
With Meena now back in the flat in her bedroom and Nicky studying, both of them having fallen out after Meena didn't pass on Nicky's apology about not being present in Gaskell's operation to focus on her place with Frieda on the ward and Meena taking the chance to be in the oepration herself, Meena asks her friend to come into her bedroom where it appears she's been crying but it turns out they're fake tears, they talk and Meena presents Nicky with a book she bought her, maybe as a peace offering? Nicky informs her friend that she doesn't want to worry that they're in competition with each other mainly after what happened today, before sharing a hug and then Nicky leaving the room, has this really sorted things between them and can Meena be trusted, especially with Xavier seemingly in the picture too?

To finish the episode it seems to have come full circle and ends with a nightmare that Nicky is having which is much like the one she had at the start of this weeks episode, which is that bad a one that she sits bolt upright in bed, wide eyed and panting, is the young F1 up to things that come with being a doctor, or is the pressure and seeming underhand tactics of her friend, not too mention the words of advice Freida offered her before all mounting up too become too much for her to deal with.....I guess we're going to be finding out in the coming weeks, along with all the other unanswered questions we're asking, I for one can't wait to see how these stories are going to carry on unfolding!