Nicky and Meena open tonight's episode, both friends are walking into work together, when they reach the main entrance Roxanna catches them before they head into the lift and asks if Nicky wants to discuss her role within Gaskell's trial, unaware that the young doctor has agreed to be on Sacha's trial after last weeks breakthrough.
Sacha and Serena are the next ones coming into work, he sees his friend and colleague struggling with a cardboard box in the boot of her car and heads over to help her get it out and then carries it into the hospital for her, whilst they're walking towards the main entrance Serena talks to him about Jason, Greta and the baby living with her when it's born, but it transpires in their conversation as they enter the hospital to go up in the lift that Serena hasn't actually spoken to Greta or Jason about her suggestion.

Roxanna finds out from Nicky that the young doctor has decided to be on Sacha's trial, far from being angry, the neurosurgeon tells Nicky that if she herself knew that Sacha would have her then she would be elbowing Nicky out of the way, does this mean that Roxanna isn't happy on Gaskell's trial anymore and would prefer to be somewhere else?
Up on AAU Serena receives a picture message from Bernie of a full English breakfast and asks for Donna as to what it means, the senior staff nurse offers that maybe it's because she's missing home and Serena, their conversation is cut short when Greta is brought into AAU on a trolley and Jason is with her, what's happened, is it the baby?
Nicky and Meena clash over their progress on the ward, the two friends get into a heated argument over who is the best doctor, who deserves it more than the other, neither willing to back down, can they actually work on the ward and treat patients successfully with this atmosphere between them.

Frieda has the displeasure of dealing with Mr Nash, he starts questioning her ability as a doctor and if she has sufficient qualifications to do the job itself, she quickly shuts him down and puts him in his place, the elderly man soon shuts up and takes her hint, feisty Freida is back!
With a cuddly toy elf in hand, Serena takes it to Greta in her side room and says she's called it Harold, the young woman doesn't seem impressed and calls Serena strange, Greta says she feels fine now and that it was probably indigestion that caused the pain that meant she was in AAU in the first place, this leads to Serena talking to Greta about when the baby comes and them coming to stay with her, but Greta is steadfast in replying that the three of them will be living in her flat, this reply seems to floor the vascular surgeon and she seems somewhat dejected.
Mr Nash's next target is Nicky, who he makes some slightly racist remarks towards and implies that she's not British due to the colour of her skin, the young doctor challenging his views and states that she is in fact British and was born here, at the nurses's station Frieda has a word with Fletch about Mr Nash's behaviour and the director of nursing offers to have a word with the man, but Nicky says for him not too, could she be developing a thicker skin and stepping away from battles she doesn't need to engage in.
Whilst getting a drink from Pulses, Serena and Jason discuss how Serena assumed that three of them would just move in with her because she's got the space in her house, it seems that she feels lonely on her own, missing Bernie in this respect too.
Finding Frieda sat in Jac's office practicing her technique for Mr Nash's operation, Roman speaks to her and asks her to go back to Kiev with him, telling her that she deserves to be loved, letting her know that he'll be outside the hospital at 10:30 tonight waiting for her, but that if she decides not to meet him at that time then he'll leave her alone for good. Fletch is shouted at my Frieda in the locker room in which she tells him to keep out of her business, meaning with Roman, after she calms down he asks if she still loves him, the look on her face tells him she does, to which he tells her to be brave about it, will she take his advice?

Donna and Serena discuss the fact that Greta could have in fact had acid reflux just like they both experienced when they had their children, the conversation then turns to Serena wanting to have both of them living at her house with her. Donna then gently says maybe Serena is being a little overbearing towards the young couple and maybe they need a bit more space for themselves. A little while later Serena is sat at her desk in the office alone talking to Rodney the stuffed elf who is on her desk, she then takes one of Elinor's dolls from out of her desk drawer and cuddles it, seeming to get some comfort from the memory and gesture of it being her late daughters, this silence is interrupted by Donna suddenly coming into the room and saying that Greta is bleeding.
During Clare's surgery she goes into VF and needs shocking, the entire team in the theatre looking worried for the young woman's chances as she doesn't respond to the repeated attempts at reviving her. After a little while of shocking her, Sacha reluctantly calls her time of death, Nicky and Meena stood looking on at what's just happened shocked and somewhat shaken given she was their patient.
Mr Nash isn't so outspoken and upfront as he himself waits to go in for his heart operation that is due to be performed by Freida, seemingly showing his softer side as he gets somewhat tearful and emotional as he holds a picture of him and his family, saying to Frieda that he can't leave them and that he doesn't want to die yet, she reassures him that she'll save him to which he smiles, can she work her skills to save him on the operating table?

After the death of Clare, Meena and Nicky are both in the staff room, Meena saying that she had wished Clare had been ill at the start of the day so that she could get back at Nicky by proving herself and having a patients case to get her teeth into and show her skills, Nicky says that they didn't fail Clare and did everything that they could to help and save her. It seems this death has got to Meena a lot with the F1 saying she can't cope with patients dying and that she wants to give it all up, can she come through this latest hurdle or will she actually throw the towel in as an F1.
With Mr Nash's surgery nearly complete, Frieda glances up at the time on the clock in theatre and sees that it's after 10:30, her colleague in the operation asks if she wants him to finish off but she declines his offer telling him that it's her patient and she'll finish the surgery. After surgery is complete she dashes out of the theatre and looks at her phone, she has an unread message from Roman on it with him telling her that he'll always love her, causing her to sink to the floor as she looks at it, Fletch finds her on the floor and tells her to go and find Roman himself, helping her up off the floor and looking on as she dashes down the corridor, but by the time she reaches the main entrance the taxi and Roman are gone.
In the toilets where Elinor collapsed, Donna and Serena once again find themselves in there together, with Serena admitting to her friend and colleague that she tries not to use these toilets because it's the fatal one that Elinor was found in, also that she's in not so many words worried about being unneeded due to Jason and Greta living together with the baby when it's born and feeling like they don't need her.
Nicky confirms to Meena that she's not going to go for Gaskell's project because she's committed to Sacha's, can this help towards healing their friendship at all.
Serena goes to Greta's room and apologies to her and Jason, offering to help move Jason's things into the young woman's flat, she also says that she'll return all the things she'd bought for making a nursery for the baby in her house, but Greta tells for her not to return them but use them to make a room for the baby like she planned because they'll be at Serena's house almost as much as they'll be at her flat, this gets a smile from the vascular surgeon, it seems like she will have a big part to play in helping and supporting them with the baby.
Not far from the end of the episode Serena is in Albie's with Sacha and she begins to offload about the picture Bernie sent her earlier in the day and she admits she'd rather be sitting in Albie's with Bernie right now, also explaining that due to the distance and them not seeing each other that she feels like they're not a proper couple right now, and it's probably due to this that she's been putting all her focus onto Greta and Jason, can the two women have an overdue reunion to help comfort and calm the brunette, it seems like she needs Bernie a lot more than ever right now, Berena reunion anyone...?

Frieda is finishing this weeks episode for us, she's at home after quite the shift at Holby and tries to send an I love you too text to Roman, not long after hitting send the text bounces back as it has failed to send, to which a dejected Frieda retires to her bedroom and closes the door as the music starts, is this the end of the line for them both or is there more to come for this pair with history between them? I'm looking forward to seeing what's to come in the coming weeks!