This week we start with Fletch walking down one of the main corridors dressed in a smart three piece suit, Serena appearing from down another side corridor to join him and makes a comment about him maybe having a late night at Albie's. Next is a quick series of flashback snippets of his night at Albie's and then it takes us back 24 hours to the events leading up to him coming in the next morning, the AAU is busy and people are rushing around trying to treat current patients and incoming ones, Donna, Ric, Serena, Lofty and Fletch are discussing the current staff problem and how agency staff are going as soon as their shifts finish and not staying any later, which is causing the rest of them to have pick up the slack and be understaffed, Fletch says he'll sort it out.
Henrik is on Keller and looking through some patient files, Roxanna comes into the ward to start her shift and comments on how early he is, he counteracts her comment by saying how much of a good recovery Mara is making, is Henrik surprised by how good it's been, maybe he expected a different outcome?
Fletch gets a bit of a surprise when he goes to a meeting with the person in charge of the agency nurses, this person turns out to be Sydney Somers, they talk about how things are going and he tells her that things need changing because of how under pressure things are in the hospital in terms of staff levels, at the end of the meeting she makes a comment about it nice to see him, could she be genuine in her sentiment.

Mikey is back at the hospital and AAU but this time it's accompanying a fellow pupil from his school, said boy is on a trolley having had some kind of accident on the bus, when Fletch finds him here and says about him going back to school, Mikey asks to stay just until he knows the boy whose name is Kian is going to be ok, Fletch agrees but sends him into the side office to get on with some homework and get him off the ward.
Mr Lewis a patient who'd been treated on Keller a week ago by Sacha is back on the ward, Henrik says that this time he'll take over Mr Lewis's case for Sacha and will do a thorough investigation to see if he can discover the cause of his return to Holby, Sacha lets him take over, but also gives a certain look towards his colleague when it might be being inferred that he didn't do a 'thorough investigation' himself.
Abi and Gaskell are having a conversation and it seems like she's getting a bit irritated at him jetting off abroad on a whim to other hospitals, the CEO telling him to not stretch her good will too far, that it's no good his name being connected to the hospital if he's not hardly here.
Moving onto Keller and to the nurses's station Roxanna wanders her eyes over all the patient files that Henrik has lined up in straight lines, frowning in confusion she then goes to talk to him, learning that he's read all the patient notes when he came in early she questions if it's too much that he's been being too meticulous and over doing things in having to look over all the notes, he dismisses her concern and says there's nothing wrong with what he's done.

Fletch is continuing his mission to try and get Sydney to agree to his terms of the agency staff doing Holby's hours and not the ones that the agency has set, also for them to be trained and fully prepared before he agrees to take anymore staff on at the hospital, but will she bow to what he wants?
Roxanna once again tries to get through to Henrik when he's in the staff room having his dinner, she offers him an outlet if he needs to get things off his chest and talk about things, but he once again says that he doesn't need to do anything of this nature and leaves her stood in the staff room, the neurosurgeon showing clear concern on her face for the former CEO.
Kian reveals to a surprised and not quite believing Fletch that in fact it was Mikey that pushed him off the bus, the director of nursing is shocked but also in no uncertain terms tell the young man that he doesn't believe him, that Mikey wouldn't do anything like that, but could Kian be telling the truth about Fletch's son?
With Henrik refusing the coffee Roxanna buys him in an attempt to get him to take a break, they then get onto discussing Mara and he gives his opinion that she's made what he considers a miraculous recovery, is this his way of saying they got lucky with the surgery that they performed on her and that he's not entirely convinced of the trial and Gaskell? After this discussion, Roxanna is back in the lab and talking to Gaskell himself about Henrik and how concerned she is for him, that her attempts to get through to him haven't come to much, also that she thinks his therapist should be told of his current behaviour, Gaskell brushes her concerns off with not much sympathy, not himself seeming to hold much concern himself for their friend and colleague.

With a confession that Mikey did in fact push Kian off the bus, Fletch is stunned that his son would do such a thing, the young boy explaining that he did it because Gav one of the older boys said to him that he had to prove himself and that was the thing he had to do, Fletch tells him that they're not his mates, regardless of what they tell him, father and son share a hug when Mikey becomes upset at the realisation of what he's done.

Serena and Sacha are in Pulses talking over a coffee, he's telling her about his planned surprise for his daughter Rachel and how he was just going to turn up at her university to surprise her, Serena says that that isn't the best way to surprise her and that maybe he shouldn't, that she gets he misses his children but that wouldn't be a good idea. He also gets off his chest his dejection at his mold project and how the likes of Nicky and Meena, as well as the younger doctors and nurses are more interested in the likes of Gaskell's trial that his project is boring in comparison, she says that projects like Gaskell's are bells and whistles, but that it doesn't take bells and whistles to change the world, this seems to spark an idea in his head that maybe could invigorate his project and the interest in it.

Roxanna has done tests on Mr Lewis and it turns out that he's been using unprescribed growth hormones and that these have been causing his pain and other symptoms, Roxanna and Henrik end up in her office and they clash because he doesn't like the fact she did test on his patient, she says that he's blinkered and he's checking on things like he is because of what he missed or what he thinks he missed with Fredric, it turns out he lied about having therapy and after she pleads for him to talk to her he ignores her and goes to leave the office, she stops him by saying she'll speak to Abi and tell her she thinks he's unfit to work and that Abi won't want him to finish his shift when she finds out, with a look of defiance on his face on what his friend and colleague has said she'll do, he silently leaves the office, Roxanna looking to the ceiling and sighing at their exchange, will Henrik realise her concern for him?
Dom is the next person to try and get through to Henrik in the locker room, telling his senior colleague that if he won't let Dom help him then at least let someone help because he himself needs Henrik as does Holby, asks the former CEO to come back to them before leaving the room and a tearful looking Henrik, has this message along with Roxanna's had some impact?
Kian has had surgery and Serena informs Fletch and Mikey that she found a tumour in Kian's elbow that would have made his bones break more easily with something like a fall and that's what happened when he was pushed, they're just waiting for biopsy results that she's pushed through.
Henrik is getting some air outside the front of the hospital, he's joined by Sacha who tells him that everyone is concerned for him especially Roxanna, he goes on to tell the former CEO that it's not self indulgent to get well and to seek help, reinforcing and repeating Dom's message that they all need him at Holby, that they just want him well when he's here, could all this concern for him make Henrik take action and get well.

Fletch and Sydney have decided to meet halfway in regards to the agency staff issues and because of this he asks her to come for a drink and a catch up at Albie's after work, she seems pleased at his offer and the fact she's back in contact with him.
Sat on Keller working on the computer at the nurses's station, an appointment card for a trauma therapist appears in front of her face, it's being held by Henrik, he tells her he's booked for the same time for the next ten weeks, that he realises people in Holby still hold and affection for him and he wants to repay this, she says what she did and said was because she cares for him, this he seems to realise and holds her hand when she tries to hand the appointment card back to him, with a smile he says for her to keep the card so she can check up on him if she needs to, this gains a smile from Roxanna and then he departs, the neurosurgeon still sat with a soft smile on her face, it seems Henrik realises she and others care for him and has taken action, is this the start of Henrik being back to the man everyone loves, let's hope so, as everyone says we need you at Holby Henrik!
Near enough all the staff are in Albie's as the episode starts to draw to a close, there's a cake to celebrate Donna being made senior staff nurse, Fletch's phone rings and he's then in Abi's office and they start talking about Sydney and the outcome of today and the staffing problem, this ends up with them kissing in the middle of the office, cue a black and white flashback of them waking up in bed together, solving the mystery of the blonde Fletch was waking up next to at the beginning of the ep in that flashback, in the present day in the morning where we started at the beginning of the ep where Serena questioned Fletch having a late night at Albie's when she saw him in the corridor, the earring he had attached to his suit jacket he returns to Abi when he meets her at the side of the hospital out of sight of people seeing it being returned, when he asks if last night was a one off, she informs him smugly that he has her number and shouldn't wait too long to use it, with a smug smile of his own he heads back across the car park and towards the main entrance, as the music starts the play.
Is this the start of something serious and a new relationship or is he still not fully over a certain Ms Naylor, we shall soon see!