Zoe Hanna

Played by
Sunetra Sarker
First Appearance:
29/12/2007 (S22 E18)
07/05/2016 (S30 E34)
Last Appearance:
13/01/2018 (S32 E19)
Senior Consultant in Emergency Medicine
Zoe is an intelligent, highly-talented and ambitious doctor. There's a chaotic and flamboyant energy about her that affects everyone she meets. She is one of Jordan's closest confidants and one of few people who can get away with calling him Nick. She is the perfect mix of a fun-loving woman and a dedicated, skilled, doctor.
Upon arriving at the ED, Harry Harper was the Clinical Lead. After Harry's resignation, Zoe and Maggie went head-to-head for the job. Zoe eventually got offered the job, but resigned in 2008 after Maggie's departure. Nick Jordan took over just weeks later, and Zoe and Nick bonded closely, and even had a brief relationship between 2009 an 2010. When his partner, Yvonne Rippon, was taken away to a specialist spine clinic as a result of injuries she sustained during the Holby riots, Nick decided to leave temporarily leaving Zoe as acting Clinical Lead. He returned to the ED with her temporarily in 2013, before making the permanent decision to quit, therefore giving Zoe the permanent position.
In May 2017, she was preparing to leave Holby, with only Connie and Hanssen aware of her departure. Max soon caught on, but on her last day, she ended up becoming involved in a violent encounter involving Shelle and Mercedes' partner Vince. Zoe and her replacement Elle Gardner were forced to fight for Vince's life after Shelle violently stabbed him and took them into a side room of The Hope & Anchor. Earlier that day, Elle had hit Vince with her car by accident, so his injuries were still present from then. Max eventually located them, and Zoe was stabbed in the hand by Shelle. They got him back to the ED safely, and soon the news of Zoe leaving had got out to other members of staff. Robyn heard of Max's plan to go with her to the US, and confronted Zoe which made her reconsider whether to let him go. She eventually got a taxi to the airport without telling Max, but Robyn was left feeling guilty and drove him there to go after her. He was able to stop her just as she was about to go through the gate, but she told him that she couldn't be with him as she knew she'd hurt him again. She told Max to leave as she boarded the plane to start fresh in America.
Previous Positions:
Trauma Lead (2010-12)
Acting Clinical Lead Consultant in Emergency Medicine (2008; 2012-13)
Lead Consultant in Emergency Medicine (2013-14)
Family: Max Walker (husband)
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